General Procedures

2024-2025 School Year

  • The use of UNI parking facilities, except metered areas, requires registration and a parking permit at all times. Unless posted otherwise and at specific meters, the GBPAC metered visitor lot is not available for use by UNI faculty, staff, or students.
  • University parking facilities are not to be used as storage for boats, campers, trailers, motorcycles or any other vehicle, or for any type of gathering unless approved by the Department of Public Safety.
  • Parking of motor vehicles is prohibited on all University of Northern Iowa property except those locations which have been established for parking and marked by signs controlling their use.  It is illegal to park outside of a designated parking stall or in any area that is not specifically designated for parking and violators will be ticketed and are subject to tow.
  • Applications for parking permits are made at the Department of Public Safety, 30 Gilchrist Hall, during posted business hours.  Applications are also accepted online by registered students and current faculty and staff as announced during the year.
  • Faculty, staff, students, and visitors are expected to know and to comply with the State of Iowa motor vehicle laws, the traffic ordinances of the City of Cedar Falls, and the University of Northern Iowa traffic and parking regulations.  Vehicles in violation may be ticketed and towed without notice.
  • Driving motor vehicles on campus walks and lawns is prohibited except when special permission is granted by UNI Facilities Management or the Department of Public Safety.
  • Driving around or moving a barricade is not permitted and may result in the suspension of university parking privileges.
  • The University of Northern Iowa assumes no liability or responsibility for vehicles or their contents while parked or driven on university property. This includes lost or stolen permits.
  • The President's authorized representative shall place and maintain such traffic control devices as deemed necessary upon or about university drives, roads, and streets.
  • Passes issued by Athletics for the purpose of parking in designated lots during scheduled UNI athletic events are not valid in any other location at any time, nor does it absolve driver or owner of obtaining the appropriate UNI parking permit or any other regulation herein.
  • Golf carts must register with and conform to the policies set forth by the University and are subject to all parking regulations and fines set forth herein.
  • Pursuant to the authority of Chapter 262.9 of the Code, as amended by Senate File 120 enacted by the Sixty-fourth General Assembly, First Session; the President of the university or a designee is authorized to establish further rules, policies, and procedures as may be deemed necessary and convenient for the effective administration of the duties hereunder. The President of the University of Northern Iowa has designated the Director of the Department of Public Safety, as Supervisor, to administer these regulations, as set out in the Code of Iowa.
  • All regulations herein are in effect August 26, 2024 through August 24, 2025.

The responsibility of the Public Safety Advisory Committee is to make recommendations to the president concerning regulations and policies for parking and traffic on the university campus. The committee reserves the right to regulate and control traffic as it deems necessary and may change these regulations with due notice published in the Northern Iowan.

Written suggestions to promote traffic safety or improve parking regulations on campus are welcomed by the Public Safety Advisory Committee and should be sent to the Department of Public Safety, Gilchrist Hall, Room 30.