Parking Division

The Parking Division is located in 30 Gilchrist Hall. Parking personnel can answer your questions and provide you with directions, maps and appropriate permits.

We are open Monday thru Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30, except University holidays. 

Phone: 319-273-3179 or 319-273-7093. Email:

Pre ordering for the 2025-2026 Academic Year is slated to begin on April 01, 2025!


All student parking permits (except C Preferred which are on a Waiting list) are virtual and can be ordered online through the Parking Portal


-NEW FEATURE! Add, change a vehicle to your existing permit if it has plates yourself!
Log into your parking account and select the View/Change Existing Vehicle at the top of the page.
Change as often as you need to, when you need to!

If you do not have plates for the vehicle yet, please use our New Vehicle with No Plates/Update Vehicle with No Plates Form!

View or Change Existing permit exampleYou will see this once you log into your parking account.


For a quick reference guide on how to order a parking permit, see our Ordering A Parking Permit Through the Parking Portal.


Order your parking permit via the Parking Portal! But keep in mind:

-New Students: You must be enrolled in classes to access the portal for the first time!
-Hawkeye students must have a signed housing contract!
-C Preferred (CP) parking permits for the 2024-25 school year are now on a waitlist. Please visit our Parking Permit Waitlist Page for more information.
Permit refunds: For B Student, C, R and Motorcycle virtual permits, visit our Virtual Permits page. For all other, call or email our office so we can provide you with the most expedient process to do so.
There are several changes for the 2025-26 academic year:
-B Student permits will now be Virtual Permit. This is a permit number assigned to your vehicle's plate. You will not receive a physical hang tag or permit. 
-B and C student permits now offer a Fall only option. They will expire on December 31, 2024.
-We will now require the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) for any new vehicle added.
If you choose U-Bill as a payment option for Spring 2025, keep in mind U-Bill charges are not sent up until January! They will not appear on your U-Bill until then!

Office Hours:

Monday-Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Except University Holidays

Phone: 319-273-3179 or 319-273-7093
Fax: 319-273-7253

Multimodal Transportation Center

Parking On Campus

There are more than 8,300 parking stalls on campus, and more than 16,000 students, faculty, staff and visitors on campus daily. The allocation of these resources is one of the many responsibilities of the Parking Division staff.

Parking employees enforce the rules and regulations published in the Parking Manual. Copies of the manual are available for review at the Public Safety Office and online.